Services designed with customers & staff at the centre of the process deliver dramatic results.

Employee Experience Design

Is your organisation experiencing?
  • Loss of valued staff
  • 'Siloed' departmental culture
  • Low morale
  • High customer complaints
  • Unsolved customer issues
  • Low productivity
  • Poor internal communications

Your employees play a vital role in initiating and maintaining your customer relationships.

Supportive employees are central to the successful functioning of all organisations and if they are disengaged or dissatisfied, the impact on reputation, service delivery and productivity can have a long lasting impact on revenue and brand value.

Frequent staff turnover can also have a negative impact on staff morale and recruiting and training new employees requires substantial time and money.

Staff attrition can cost your organisation in lost IP, recruitment costs, training, loss of capability, staff time and other resources. Some of our clients Australia have calculated the cost of replacing just one employee to be in excess of $40,000.

Incling is now applying our highly successful customer experience mapping processes to the people working within organisations, the employees.

While measuring employee satisfaction is common practice, Incling brings fresh eyes and a new approach to employee engagement. By applying our wealth of experience in human-centred customer research to employee experience research, we can provide you with the tools such as employee journey maps and process blueprints to identify key areas for improvement.


In 2015, the cost of staff turnover in Australia was estimated at $3.8 billion in lost productivity and $385 million in avoidable recruitment costs.

Recent research has found that in Australia nearly 1 in 4 new employees leave their job within the first 12 months (PWC).

Staff turnover in the finance industry is 17.4% each year and only 20% of employees felt valued or appreciated at work.

Over 60 per cent of Australian companies believe that high staff turnover has had a negative impact on workplace performance.

It has been found that organisations enjoy 26 percent higher revenue per employee when employees are highly engaged (Taleo Research, 2009).

Furthermore, it was found that organisations with highly engaged employees earned 13 percent greater total returns to shareholders (Taleo Research, 2009).

“Presenteeism” is a concept that describes people being present at work but not productive. Current research shows this to be a $33 billion loss to Australian industry.

Key Benefits of Employee Experience Mapping
  • Higher staff retention rates
  • Improved customer conversion, satisfaction and retention
  • More efficient and productive workplaces
  • Improved job satisfaction, morale and brand loyalty
  • Higher customer advocacy
  • Lower recruitment and training costs
  • Higher business revenue
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